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Rock Star Romance: Rockstar fiction : SING, PUNCH, KISS. (Rock Star Romance Series) Page 3
Rock Star Romance: Rockstar fiction : SING, PUNCH, KISS. (Rock Star Romance Series) Read online
Page 3
“Are you sure you have to go?”
“Will I see you later?”
He held her tight and pressed his lips against hers once more. Bethany could feel an excitement pressing against her and a shiver ran through her. “Maybe?”
“You will.”
Justin released her and grinned at her answer. “Good.”
Chapter 6
Shae was especially nosy and when Bethany told her who she was with, she didn’t believe her. Bethany didn’t joke about those types of things though, so it quickly turned to shock and intrigue. “So what did you guys do?”
Beth rolled her eyes. “We didn’t bang if that is what you mean. We watched a movie and I fell asleep.”
“In my bedroom.”
There was a clear trajectory for her questions and she never had been good at suspense. “So you fell asleep on the bed?”
She sighed. “Yes I fell asleep on the bed with him. Nothing else happened and he was gone when I woke up.”
“Oh well that sucks.”
“Yeah, he was downstairs raiding your fridge for breakfast.”
“He made you breakfast!” Her friend got all dreamy eyed and Bethany decided to reign her in before she tried to get her married off again.
“He did and it sucked, so I made cereal. That was it. None of that destiny crap. Just some coffee and breakfast.”
“Awe, so you cuddled. That is so cute. But why were you with him when I called earlier?”
“We went to his house. He wanted to play me one of the new songs. Sounds pretty good.”
“I can’t believe you are acting so nonchalant about this.”
“It was nothing, really Shae. You make too much of everything.”
“Oh really? Then why are you smiling like that?”
Bethany was stumped. She tried to push the sides of her mouth down, but they simply wanted to turn upright. It had been a great night and a great kiss. She knew that once they were back on the road, things would change and he would be everyone else’s again. But for that one night, he had been all hers.
“It was nice, okay? We had a kiss and that’s that. No more, no less. Now can we please pack the truck up to go? I will drive the truck if you hurry up.”
She sprang into action. The truck was a behemoth that should have been junked before, but there was sentimental value or something, so the loser of whatever bet they had going, would have to drive it. The fact that the brakes were spotty and the power steering was out more than naught was just some of the challenges of the ride.
“If you are that worried about stopping this conversation, I will go for it. I should bring lover boy up more often. Then maybe I won’t ever have to drive the truck again.”
“Don’t push it Shae. I am feeling generous.”
The first show was not too far away so the girls were on the road for only a couple of hours before they had to start setting up. About halfway through, both were surprised when Justin came in with some of the band members. “You guys want some help?”
“Well yeah, if you remember how to do it. I know you guys are big stuff nowadays.”
Justin smirked at her smart remark. She tried to hide her surprise, but he could see it. It seemed that Justin had finally impressed her. He would have never thought that it would have only taken fifteen minutes of hard labor. When they were done, the girls had an opening of time and they were invited out with the band. Bethany wanted to tell them no thank you, but Shae agreed for the both of them before she could get a word out edgewise.
He was touchy at dinner and Justin insisted on sitting next to her. He was in dark shades to keep the fans at bay and it was nice to be so close to him. It was as if the rest of the room melted away and it was just the two of them sitting there together. “Thank you for helping. That was sweet.”
“Your welcome. I hated to think of you guys working while we are just running amok around town.”
“Well, thank you. It was very nice of you.”
‘Don’t sound so surprised.”
“Well you know what the papers say.”
A sharp look went over his face and he grimaced. “Why? What are they saying now?”
“Nothing, except the usual man-whore types of things.” She laughed, but he didn’t seem to find it as funny as her. “Sorry, just joking.”
“It’s okay. I just hate it sometimes. Everyone thinks they know me, but they don’t know me at all.”
She dropped it, unsure of what he was acting so sensitive about. Bethany touched his arm and he looked back at her. He then surprised her and everyone else at the table by pulling her in for a heated kiss. She sighed in the moment, her thoughts going no further than the taste of him on her lips. He pulled away and there were a couple of cat calls from his mates. Bethany turned red and pulled away so she could keep the last few shreds of her dignity.
Bethany avoided his gaze for the rest of the meal. She could feel the heat on her face as she looked down at the plate in front of her. “Thanks for the luck. I needed it.”
She nodded her head, her eyes dancing to his for just a moment. “Your welcome. I hope you have a great show tonight.”
“We will, now that I got that kiss from you. I think you are my new muse. I am writing so much more now.”
Beth smiled, but didn’t know what to say. Someone else started talking and she was left to eat the rest of her meal with a pink face. His hand touched her thigh once and when she jumped, he pulled it away quickly. She jerked a look at him and he grinned sheepishly. “I have to go. I will see you later, right?”
She nodded her head and took another kiss from his hot mouth. God, she couldn’t think when he touched her. “Yes, I will see you later. Can’t wait.”
Chapter 7
“Oh my God, Beth, did you read the papers they brought in this morning?”
“No, why?”
“He has a kid and now he is going to be a single father. I didn’t even know he had a kid. There was something in there about hush money to the mother, but since she died, it’s all coming out.”
“What, who are you talking about?”
“Justin. He has a six year old daughter and if the reports are right, he is on his way to go pick her up. The mother died. Do you remember Jesse, the old bass guitarist, it’s his sister. She kind of blackmailed him for years not to tell her brother that Justin was the dad, but Jesse found some old letters and it all came out. Can you believe it?
“Do you think it is true? There are always sensational stories in the tabloids.”
“This is the New York Times, not a tabloid. I think it is true. How could nobody have known about it? I mean he has been a dad this whole time. It says he went to her recitals and even got her on a few weekends. How could we have worked with him all these years and never known?”
“Why would the help really know him anyways? That is all we are, the grunts that do the work for them.”
“What about what happened today, him coming to help us?”
“It was all a show I am sure. Just a ploy to get what he wants.”
Beth felt a little bitter for some reason. She had thought that what was happening between them was special, but now all she could think about was what else she didn’t know about him. She knew it had all been too good to be true. She felt hurt that he didn’t tell her about it, but she remembered the sharp look from earlier and wondered if that was what that was about. Was that what he was hiding from her, from everyone? What else could he be hiding?
Either way, she knew that she didn’t need to deal with it anymore. Beth decided that she would just have to move on. The only problem was that her whole life was wrapped up in the band and the tour.
“What about the tour, is it dead?”
“I think so. It says that they have canceled the first month or so, so I doubt we will come back. I mean he is going to be a single dad to a young child. He can’
t go touring like usual.”
She nodded, the words still trying to sink in. He was a father and even more out of reach than before. “Well I am heading home after I put up the equipment. I need to take some time off anyways.”
Shae wanted to stop her, but when Beth was upset, it was best just to leave her to her own devices. There was more that had happened between the two of them and she had a feeling that she was reliving the betrayal of Brent.
Bethany was crushed, more than she even realized. There had been something happening between the two of them and she had started to fantasize about what would happen next. But now all of those dreams were gone and her whole life had changed with a series of lies. Justin would be fine, he was rich and his fans would probably love him even more for it. He really could do no wrong. Bethany on the other hand, was out a job and the hope that had come with a shared night in his arms.
She decided to take a little bit of a break. The official word had come down that the tour would not start back up for at least a month, so without much planning, Beth booked a trip and left. She didn’t even tell Shae where she was going. Bethany needed some time to herself.
It was an eye opening trip and she watched the news about him online at night. It seemed they were giving him hell, paparazzi following him and his daughter everywhere. Most of the photos were of her being blocked, but in one she could see her face. She was precious and Beth was glad that he was doing the right thing. She knew that he wasn’t as worried about her as she was of him, but Beth thought about him the entire two weeks that she was on the beach.
Getting back home and picking up her car from the parking garage, she turned her phone on and was surprised by the amount of messages that she had gotten. Most were from Shae and there were several from another number that she did not recognize. When she started listening to her voicemails, she realized that the number was for Justin. He had called over and over again, almost as much as her friend.
She sat there staring at the number and then pushed the dial button. “Hello, Beth?”
“Hey Justin. What’s going on? I saw that you called a few times.”
“Where have you been?”
“I’ve been on vacation since the tour was put on hold. My phone has been off the entire time. What did you need Justin?”
There was silence on his end while he tried to process her anger. She never was one to hide her true feelings. “Please don’t be mad. No one knew. It was supposed to be for the best.”
“It is none of my business what is going on with you Justin. Why would I be mad?”
He could hear the chill in her voice and he knew that he had really messed up. He had felt the same surge of hope when they were together and he too wanted to hold onto it.
“Well Justin, I am just leaving the airport. Why don’t you call me tomorrow if you want to talk?”
“Wait Beth. I need you.”
She paused and her breath hitched. It was the way he said it, with the quiet determination. When she didn’t say anything, he took it as a good sign. “Can you please come over?”
Bethany didn’t know if she should, but she found herself saying yes. She remembered the way she felt when she was there only a few weeks before. So much had changed, but the way she felt about him had not.
“Daddy, there is someone here.”
“Alright Lizzy. I will be right down.”
“It’s a pretty woman with brown hair.”
His heart thudded in his chest and he started down the stairs to greet her. What he was going to say, he really had no idea.
Chapter 8
Beth bent down and greeted the little girl that looked more like her father than she had first thought. There were many similarities and it was hard not to smile back at her little face. “Nice to meet you Elizabeth.”
“My daddy calls me Lizzy.”
She was shy, her dark brown eyes watched her as they walked into the kitchen. “So what can I help you with Justin?”
“I can’t get her to sleep. It has been weeks and she just won’t sleep. The doctor’s had to give her sleeping pills. I just don’t know what to do. You are the only person I could think of that may be able to help and I trust you.”
Bethany was not expecting this. She looked back at the little girl and it was clear then that she was exhausted. The darkness under her eyes was more pronounced under the track lighting in the kitchen. “Sure, I will give it my best shot.”
“I saw you with Lar’s kids, so I know that you seem to have a knack for it.”
She waved to Lizzie and asked her to come over. “Have you had dinner yet, sweetie?”
The little girl shook her brown curls.
“She won’t eat anything. I have had the cooks try everything.” His voice had that desperation that she had heard earlier. He didn’t look like he was getting that much sleep either. It had to be a lot for him to take on all of a sudden.
“Justin, why don’t you go take a shower or a nap and we will find something to eat. Does that sound okay to you Lizzy?”
She nodded and smiled. He looked at her like she was either a demon spawn or his angel. She shooed him away in a silly way and even got a laugh out of the little girl. Justin looked back at her from the stairs incredulously. Bethany did have a way with kids and he had not seen his daughter smile like that since before the funeral. He was grateful for a few moments to himself. He needed a shower and then when he got out, he crashed down onto the bed beneath him.
Downstairs, Bethany made Lizzy a sandwich and cut the crust off just like her mother used to. She ate it all with some chocolate milk and soon Beth could tell she was getting tired.
“So I hear you haven’t been sleeping Lizzy, why is that?”
The little girl shrugged and Bethany walked with her to her bedroom. “It is too dark in there and scary.”
“How about we leave the lights on?”
“I always wake up and they are off. I don’t like the dark.”
“Me either. What if we just keep them on, would that help?”
“A little.”
“Why don’t we try going to bed? You look very tired.”
“I am, but…” She stopped and fidgeted with her little hands.
“You can tell me, sweetie.”
Lizbeth explained her bedtime routine, about the book and the song. She wondered if Justin had asked, but by the state of his aggravation, it was clear that he had not. Sometimes the answer is just too simple to see. The book was easy enough to find online and she read it from her phone. The song was a little trickier to find, but she finally did a lyric search from what Lizzy could remember. It wasn’t much, but she found it and played it on the player. She was out quickly. She could hear the deep even breaths and finally left the room, lights still on to chase away the monsters she had conjured in her head.
Chapter 9
Bethany walked down to Justin’s bedroom and was surprised to find him sprawled out on the bed. He had a towel half wrapped around his waist and was on his stomach. She couldn’t help but admire the curves of his rump. He was a very nice looking man. Beth almost left, but she figured she should at least let him know that Lizzy was asleep.
Sitting on the bed gently next to him, Beth touched his bare shoulder. He jerked and his eyes came up immediately. It seemed he had been waking up that way for a couple of weeks. “Lizzy?”
“She is sleeping. Leave the lights on, she is afraid of the dark. I bet she sleeps through the night. There are a couple of links I will send you for the story and song she wants before she goes to bed. It will put her right out.”
He looked relieved. “Thank you Beth. I don’t know what I would have done without you. How long was I out for?”
“Maybe an hour or so. You should be able to get some sleep now. It looks like you need it.
“Stay please.”
The voice was back. The small one that was hard to say no to. “Not for anything you don’t want. Just lay with
She agreed and sighed to herself when he pulled her up against him. He went to his side and she fit perfectly against his hard chest. It had been a long day for her too and soon, they were both fast asleep in each other’s arms.
Bethany woke up in the early morning and for a moment, she forgot where she was. Her eyes turned and felt the warm body against her. He felt like a furnace and everywhere their skin touched, it burned. Bethany tried to move and he growled, pulling her back against him. His hand held one of her breasts cupped in his palm possessively, squeezing it as he moved in his sleep. It sent shivers across her body.
The towel had slipped down and instead of just a knot behind her, pushing against her ass, it was free and solid, wedged between her thighs. Her shorts had ridden up and only a few inches of fabric were between them. She moved back against him, moaning as she felt his manhood throbbing against her.
He didn’t answer, but his hips moved against her tempting her for more. Bethany wiggled her ass in front of him and the new angle made his length come into contact with her even more. She gasped as he pressed hard against her. His hand squeezed the breast he held, his thumb rubbing across the fabric and pointed nipple. The dual motion of his hips and his hand were driving her crazy and she wished that she wasn’t wearing anything, especially the bottoms that were hindering his progress.
She called out his name softly and he replied with his free hand moving to her hips. He jerked her back onto him and she whimpered at the hard grip. “Please say I am not dreaming.” His finger maneuvered down her shirt and touched the soft flesh of her nipple, pulling the shirt down to bring it into his view as he sat up. “Better yet, don’t tell me because if it isn’t I don’t want to know.”
His mouth moved to her neck, nibbling and sucking. Each touch sent electricity through her body, shivers to her core. It was only when she felt his hand move to the buttons on her shorts, did she pause to think about what she was really doing. “Wait, Justin.”