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  • Rock Star Romance: Rockstar fiction : SING, PUNCH, KISS. (Rock Star Romance Series) Page 2

Rock Star Romance: Rockstar fiction : SING, PUNCH, KISS. (Rock Star Romance Series) Read online

Page 2

  Bethany nodded, though she didn’t answer. She started the coffee maker and tried to ignore the heat from his gaze on her back. She could feel him next to her at the counter. “So why a kitchen up here, I have to ask?”

  She shrugged. “I really like to cook. Are you hungry? I know it’s silly, but all I do is drive and stay at crappy hotels, so I miss my kitchen. When we all lived together, it was easier to cook meals, at least when I didn’t have to go down there and disturb everyone. So now that I have what I want, we all get the peace and privacy that we need.”

  “Yeah I need to figure out something like that with someone. I have this huge house and it is empty most of the time.”

  “Awe. Are you lonely Justin? Any woman in the world would have you I bet.”

  “Not all woman.”

  “Maybe you shouldn’t fixate on the things you can’t have. It will only upset you later.”

  She pulled out a couple of mugs for the coffee and waited for the last tufts of steam to push from the top. Pouring him some, she slid the mug down in front of him and asked how he liked it. When their eyes met, she realized that he had taken it the wrong way and his gaze filled with fire. It was enough to make her gasp and look away.

  “So are you ready to hit the road again? I figured you would want to stay home a little longer than you did.”

  He looked down at the black liquid and took a drink. There was a grimace across his face as the bitterness rivaled his mood. “I was, but things didn’t work out like they were supposed to, so I am feeling restless again.”

  Bethany could understand the sentiment. She had felt that way often since her divorce and though she still did not have a destination in mind, she knew that it was time to move forward. Bethany poured herself a cup and added some sugar and milk to make the liquid a more desirable brown color. She took a sip and relaxed against the counter. Her eyes watched him move around towards her, the cup still in his hand.

  “Can I have some sugar please?”

  “Of course! I’m sorry that I didn’t ask.”

  Beth bent and scooped out a couple of spoonful before his light touch told her he had enough. She had never been alone and that close to Justin before. Her heart pounded in her chest and she hoped that he couldn’t hear it. The silence dragged on between them and she asked why he was so restless, but he didn’t really respond.

  “You make me restless, Beth.”

  He moved closer to her, a confident smile on his lips. She side stepped him and went to the other side of the room. It was a dance they had verbally played before and she finally stopped him with a hand on his chest. Justin’s blue eyes held hers and the pressure on her palm released. He moved back frustrated, running a hand through his dark hair. When he looked back up, she was still looking at him only a foot away. It was hard to mistake the rapid rise and fall of her chest.

  “Why do I make you restless Justin? Because I’ve said no before?”

  Justin swallowed the lump in his throat. It was the fact that she had said no, but more than that. He had watched her for some time and there was an admiration for her attitude to others. Beth was always a hard worker. She never wore makeup, and actually there were many mornings she didn’t wear undergarments either. More than one breakfast was spent staring at her darkened nipples under her top. His eyes went to the same spot and noticed that her tips had hardened, though now they were covered with a lacy bra.

  “Ah I see. They are tantalizing aren’t they? Some would say practically hypnotic.” She shook them a little and giggled when his eyes yanked towards her smiling face. It wasn’t fair and she was teasing him, but the obsession with her tits had always been amusing to her.

  Justin blushed that he was so obvious. He shouldn’t feel that way. He was rich and famous, every woman wanted him. Justin had to wonder why though. Bethany was so real to him. She had been with the band at their less than extravagant beginnings. Beth was there for the music and he noticed more than just her chest. But damn if they weren’t a little trance inducing.

  “And you blush?” She giggled and moved away, her own cheeks red from her naughtiness. She was not usually that brazen, especially not with him. “Come, let’s go watch a movie and you can sober up. You look like you have been riding it hard lately Justin.”

  He had, though the only thing he heard was being next to her. It seemed like a rare glimpse into her private life. Justin followed her into her white-washed room and admired some of the paintings on the wall. “You did these?”

  “Yeah, I like to paint sometimes.”

  There was a small computer and sound mix on a table on the side. She went to the entertainment system and pulled back a door. “Pick something or you will be stuck with a chic flick.”

  She sat on the bed as he moved to do as she asked. The day was exhausting and the dancing had her even more tired than usual. By the time he had picked something out, she had scooched to the pillows and was laying back. The movie was starting and she patted the spot next to her. His eyes darkened and she tried to ignore them. When he pulled her against his chest, she did not resist, but lay waiting for the next move she would have to. It didn’t come and before she knew it, she was fast asleep in his arms.

  Justin looked down at her and brushed some of the strands of dark hair away from her face. She was far more beautiful when he was able to get a good look at her. There was no wall to break down or sharp tongue to fence, just her, relaxed. Justin imagined that was the way she would look after they made love. His manhood responded in his pants and he tried to focus on the movie for a time, till his ardor cooled.

  Chapter 4

  When Bethany woke up the next morning, he was gone much like the prophecy she had predicted. There were sounds downstairs and she went down to see what had happened with Jerry the night before. She was expecting Shae when she went downstairs, but it was instead Justin. He was grabbing stuff out of the refrigerator and bringing them up the stairs when he noticed her. Bethany gave him a shy smile, unsure how to act around him. Though they hadn’t done anything the night before, there was an intimacy shared that she had not anticipated.

  “Good morning. What are you doing?”

  “Making you breakfast. We have to leave in a little while and I was wondering if you wanted to ride on the bus with the band?”

  She shook her head no. “Not a chance. I know what goes on that bus of yours and I don’t want any part of it.”

  “Come on, it’s not so bad. We could watch movies, cuddle…”

  Bethany knew that they would do neither and she really didn’t want to do those things with him. Her body was still warm with his touch and she wanted to get away from him so that she could figure out her feelings. While the offer threw her off with its unexpectedness, she still declined. She didn’t want everyone else to think that there was something going on between them. There wasn’t, was there?

  “I think you should leave some room for the groupies, Justin. I know how you like to pick them up on the way when you ground tour. Thanks for the offer though.”

  “I’ll be right back though, I’m going to through on new clothes.”

  She went back into the bedroom after she realized her friend was still not home. Back in her bedroom, the rustled bed reminded her that they had shared it together. She was surprised that he had not even tried anything. While Bethany had made it clear that she was not interested, in truth if he would have touched her the right way, she would have been his. Thankful she hadn’t embarrassed herself too bad, she threw on a pair of jean shorts and a tank top. The day would be long and hot and she might as well dress for it.

  When she made her way to her kitchen, there was no denying how different it all smelled. She came up behind him and for a second, wanted to wrap her arms around him. The scene was far too much like her ex-husband and when she realized what she was going to do, she went to the cupboard away from him and grabbed some glasses. “Milk, tea, or coffee? I may have some juice left in the fridge.”

  “You do
n’t. Had to go downstairs for eggs.”

  “Yeah, I didn’t go to the store after I found out about the new tour. Seriously, why are you guys going out again?”

  “We just are. Things come up and you would be surprised how fast the money goes.”

  She nodded, but didn’t really understand his cryptic words. It was apparent that she wasn’t supposed to, so she dropped it. “So anyways, what do you want to drink?”

  “Tea is good. I think I’ve had enough coffee.”

  Bethany poured him a glass. It felt strange and good to be in the kitchen with someone again. There had been months that had passed without one at her table or her bed and though it wasn’t quite what she had in mind, it had been perfect.

  Breakfast was an array of different things, some traditional, some not so much. When she looked down at the eggs and then at the oysters, her face tried to hide the smile. “What? There wasn’t much to work with, Beth.”

  “There is cereal...”

  He gave her a soured look and she tried some of the eggs. They were pretty good, though he had put salsa and something else on top. As she went through, she asked less questions, trying to figure out what each mix was. “So you cook, huh?”

  “Well as you can see, not very well, but it’s the effort right?”

  “I suppose so, although isn’t that line of thinking as good as a participation trophy?”

  He covered his heart, but even he hadn’t partaken in much of the meal. “Why don’t I make us something?” She smiled.

  Justin tried not to be wounded. He had half-expected her to just eat it and tell him it was great. It was what all the other girls had done when he had put in the effort in the past. He should have known that she wouldn’t play the same game.

  Beth got up and picked up the plates, trying to ignore the five pans that were in the sink. She wasn’t even sure how it was possible, but she tried to remind himself that he was the one that had held her so sweetly the night before. Bethany pulled out a couple of bowls and a box of cereal. In seconds she was finished and serving him. He laughed and admitted that hers was better.


  Bethany figured that Justin would leave after breakfast, but he stuck around and helped her pack. It was strange this new companionship they were experiencing. It seemed fragile, but it was still a wonder. What did he want from her? That was the question that kept running through her mind. Everyone was out for something in most cases and Bethany wondered what it was that he was after with her. She wasn’t the type of woman that brought out such fawning actions in men, although her divorce still weighed on her heart and her actions. She was more careful now.

  “So what do you want to do? We have a few hours before we have to leave. Don’t you have packing to do?”

  His eyes widened with her first question, his mind going instantly to her moaning underneath him. He shook his head to the second one. “No, I have people that do that kind of stuff. They are running around the house like crazy right now.”

  “Ah well, you don’t seemed bothered.”

  “I’m not. I want you to come by.”

  “I thought we went over this Justin…”

  “Not like that. I have a new song that I want to run by you, see if you like it.”

  “Why me?’

  “Because you have been with us from the beginning, so I really want to know what you think of it.”

  Bethany was honored and she agreed. There was a small reservation in the back of her mind, but she tried to turn it off. The car was waiting for them when they stepped out. “Has he been here all night?”

  “Of course.”

  “That seems a bit much don’t you think?”

  He looked at her strangely. While his power and command seemed to impress most women, once again he was striking out with her. What did he have to do?

  Opening the door for her before the driver could, he let out the air he had been holding. When he shut the door, the driver turned to him. “Do you want me to get the music on back there?”

  It was a question he asked because many time Justin like to get the women ready on the way home. Andre would set the lights lower and turn the music on. It sounded cheesy, but it always worked. He shook his head no and got in on the other side. She would give him hell if jazz started playing with the lights low. He chuckled to himself as he thought about her reaction. Bethany kept him on his toes.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing, just something Andre said.”

  Chapter 5

  She tried to avoid his knees, scooching closer to the other window as they drove down a private drive that she had never seen before. Bethany had never seen where he lived, save for the magazine spread that he would allow photographs and an interview. She knew as much as all the other fans and she was not disappointed. It was bigger in person and the pictures had not done it justice, nor showed the sheer size of it.

  “Wow, nice place. It’s a wonder why you would want to stay in my apartment when you could have stayed here.”

  “Well in my defense, I did invite you here first.”

  She opened the door when the car stopped and got out onto the pebbled driveway. Even with flats, it was difficult to make good footing. “This is like heel quicksand on here. Is that your way to make sure your little dates don’t leave?”

  He laughed deep and she looked back to see his reaction. There was a smile that was never present and a twinkle in his eyes that she only seen when he was on stage. He was breathtakingly handsome. She caught herself before she did anything rash, like kiss him. Her body had leaned forward in want. She straightened up and hoped that her cheeks weren’t noticeably pink. “Sorry, I got a little wobbly.”

  Justin knew that she was lying and he had waited for her lips, but they never came. He grabbed her arm, telling her that he would help keep her upright. It was not the touch that he had been waiting for, but it affected him just the same. Just being around the woman made his body strum to life, made him sit up and take notice.

  She walked with him to the door and it was opened from someone waiting within. He was greeted and asked if he needed anything. “No thank you. I will be upstairs in the music room.”

  The elderly lady nodded and shut the door behind them. For some reason, Bethany had thought it would look something like the Playboy mansion, but instead it was regal. There were old portraits of men that looked similar to him. “Who are all of these people?”

  “The greats of music. Didn’t have any grand family to show off, so I like to be reminded why I do this. To become immortal.”

  “I like them. It’s not what I expected.”

  “What did you expect?”

  “I don’t know. Pizza boxes and passed out naked bodies, I guess.”

  “Oh, well that is downstairs in the basement. You game?”

  She shook her head and smiled. He grabbed her hand and pulled her upstairs to one of the many rooms lining the hallway. It was clear when she got what it was. He had brought her to his studio and she gasped at the equipment. What she could do with a mixer like that.

  “Wow, definitely better than expected.”

  Bethany moved forward like a kid in a candy store, her hand touching the machines softly. He moved up behind her and turned on some beats that he had been working on for a song. Her body moved to the music, pushing back against him as he moved with her. He dared not touch her, he just went with the rhythm. “I love it. Do you have words for it yet?”

  She turned around and she was right there in front of him. She looked into his eyes, shyly. He moved closer and his lips found hers for just a second before he pulled away. Bethany stepped closer, her arms pulling him down for more. His tongue slid in between her lips, while his hands gripped her hips. It was too much after a moment, overwhelming her senses and she pulled away panting.

  Beth moved away to one of the boards, tweaking some of the sound. It changed it slightly and he was distracted with the change. “That is what it was missing. Perfect.”<
br />
  The moment was gone and she was able to breathe again. The phone rang in her pocket and she almost jumped with the startling break in the silence. Their eyes broke contact and she fished it out of her front pocket. “Hey Shae, what happened to you? Where have you been?”

  “Oh, just down at the jail. Apparently ole Tyson over here thought he could take on more rednecks than he could handle.” She giggled. “So he had to be arraigned because he pissed the cops off that trumped up the charges. So, finally bailed him out this morning. Came home and you weren’t here. Where are you at?”

  Bethany looked at Justin and put her finger up. She needed privacy and he motioned her towards the bathroom off of the room. She mouthed the words ‘thank you’ and went into the room, shutting the door. “Hey Beth, are you still there?”

  “Yeah, I am at someone’s house right now. I will be home in a bit okay?”

  “Oh, you are being shady, so it must be good. Who is it?”

  “I will tell you later, okay?”

  “Fine, but I want details!”

  “Fine, if you want to live vicariously through me.”

  “I do, you better tell me everything.”

  The phone went dead and she couldn’t help the smile that came across her lips. What would she have to tell?

  Bethany went back out and told him that she had to get back home. “Really? You just got here.”

  “I know, but I still have a few things to do before Shae and I head off. We always leave before you guys, as you know.”

  He wanted to offer her to ride with him again, but he had already been turned down once and it still stung a bit. “Tell Andre where you need to go and he will take you. Will you at least come see me after the show tonight? Maybe we could watch a movie or something?”

  “I’ll think about it Justin.” She moved to peck him on the cheek, but his face turned and their lips met again. He was just as intense as before, his whole body felt like he was inhaling every drop of her. His hands pushed her body to his and held her in place. Justin didn’t want her running off like before. Their tongues entwined and she whimpered into his mouth, fueling the desires inside of her.